Speakers / Moderators

Speaker / Moderator
Fill out the information below if you plan on speaking at the NAACFRC Conference.
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Registration Information

Participation Type
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Meal & Dietary Restrictions

Networking Opportunities

Please provide your social media handles on the following platforms. Fill out at least one.
Separate multiple by commas.

Registrant Profile

Agency Type
Are You A Community-Engaged Participatory Researcher?
Can We Include You In Our National Researcher Database?
Disclaimer: Your contact information and research interests will be available on our public NAACFRC website.
Please Indicate Your Primary Area(s) Of Interest:
Have You Previously Attended This Conference?
Would You Like To Receive Regular Communication (Newsletters / Emails) From The National African American Child & Family Research Center?

Participation Opportunities

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Choose the breakout session you are attending.

Presentation Requirements

Please enter any requirements you may have for your presentation.

Presentation Permissions

Please Indicate Your Permission Details:
Release Agreement